path: root/template/standard/lang
diff options
authorThomas Lange <>2017-02-24 21:27:59 +0100
committerThomas Lange <>2017-02-24 21:27:59 +0100
commit52b077a48c743ba4d08ac00520a0bf1ef6deef5f (patch)
treeb4205c194167e0e03e273957cdd0aab3be9fdf01 /template/standard/lang
Initial commit.v1.0
Diffstat (limited to 'template/standard/lang')
2 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/template/standard/lang/de.php b/template/standard/lang/de.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..333aab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/template/standard/lang/de.php
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Nerdmind: Internationalization [DE] Thomas Lange <>] #
+# #
+# This file contains template internationalization strings for the DE language #
+# and is completely independend from the core internationalization strings. #
+# #
+$LANGUAGE['date_format'] = '[D].[M].[Y] [H]:[I]';
+$LANGUAGE['feed_only_posts'] = 'nur Beiträge';
+$LANGUAGE['feed_only_pages'] = 'nur Seiten';
+$LANGUAGE['navigation_home_text'] = 'Home';
+$LANGUAGE['navigation_home_desc'] = '%s';
+$LANGUAGE['navigation_search_text'] = 'Suche';
+$LANGUAGE['navigation_search_desc'] = 'Volltextsuche';
+$LANGUAGE['home_heading_text'] = 'Willkommen bei %s';
+$LANGUAGE['home_heading_desc'] = 'Hallo! Hier siehst du erst einmal die letzten %d veröffentlichten Beiträge. Viel Spaß!';
+$LANGUAGE['user_heading_text'] = '%s <code>[<a href="">%s</a>]</code>';
+$LANGUAGE['user_heading_desc'] = 'Bisher wurden von %s insgesamt <b>%d</b> Beiträge und <b>%d</b> Seiten veröffentlicht.';
+$LANGUAGE['post_base_heading_desc'] = '[Seite: <b>%d</b>] Hier siehst du alle veröffentlichten <strong>Beiträge</strong> nach dem Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlchung sortiert.';
+$LANGUAGE['page_base_heading_desc'] = '[Seite: <b>%d</b>] Hier siehst du alle veröffentlichten <strong>Seiten</strong> nach dem Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlchung sortiert.';
+$LANGUAGE['user_base_heading_desc'] = '[Seite: <b>%d</b>] Hier siehst du alle vorhandenen <strong>Benutzer</strong> nach dem Zeitpunkt der Erstellung sortiert.';
+$LANGUAGE['post_main_heading_text'] = '%s';
+$LANGUAGE['post_main_heading_desc'] = 'Von: %s (veröffentlicht am: <em>%s</em>)';
+$LANGUAGE['page_main_heading_text'] = '%s';
+$LANGUAGE['page_main_heading_desc'] = 'Von: %s (veröffentlicht am: <em>%s</em>)';
+$LANGUAGE['403_heading_text'] = 'Zugriff verweigert';
+$LANGUAGE['403_heading_desc'] = 'Der Zugriff auf diese Ressource des Servers wurde dir verweigert, da du die dafür notwendigen Berechtigungen nicht besitzt.';
+$LANGUAGE['404_heading_text'] = 'Nicht gefunden';
+$LANGUAGE['404_heading_desc'] = 'Die angeforderte Ressource konnte auf diesem Server nicht gefunden werden.';
+$LANGUAGE['search_base_heading_text'] = 'Volltextsuche';
+$LANGUAGE['search_base_heading_desc'] = 'Wenn du einen bestimmten <strong>Beitrag</strong> suchst, dann kann dir die <a href="" target="_blank">Volltext-Suchfunktion</a> der MySQL-Datenbank bestimmt weiterhelfen.';
+$LANGUAGE['search_result_heading_text'] = 'Suchergebnisse für <code>%s</code>';
+$LANGUAGE['search_result_heading_desc'] = 'Herzlichen Glückwunsch, deine Suchanfrage scheint erfolgreich gewesen zu sein!';
+$LANGUAGE['search_form_placeholder'] = 'Suchbegriff eingeben …';
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/template/standard/lang/en.php b/template/standard/lang/en.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66e2a67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/template/standard/lang/en.php
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Nerdmind: Internationalization [EN] Thomas Lange <>] #
+# #
+# This file contains template internationalization strings for the EN language #
+# and is completely independend from the core internationalization strings. #
+# #
+$LANGUAGE['date_format'] = '[Y]-[M]-[D] [H]:[I]';
+$LANGUAGE['feed_only_posts'] = 'only posts';
+$LANGUAGE['feed_only_pages'] = 'only pages';
+$LANGUAGE['navigation_home_text'] = 'Home';
+$LANGUAGE['navigation_home_desc'] = '%s';
+$LANGUAGE['navigation_search_text'] = 'Search';
+$LANGUAGE['navigation_search_desc'] = 'Fulltext search';
+$LANGUAGE['home_heading_text'] = 'Welcome to %s';
+$LANGUAGE['home_heading_desc'] = 'Here you can see the last 10 published posts. Have fun!';
+$LANGUAGE['user_heading_text'] = '%s <code>[<a href="">%s</a>]</code>';
+$LANGUAGE['user_heading_desc'] = '%s has published a total count of <b>%d</b> posts and <b>%d</b> pages.';
+$LANGUAGE['post_base_heading_desc'] = '[Page: <b>%d</b>] Here you can see all published <strong>posts</strong> ordered by the date of publication.';
+$LANGUAGE['page_base_heading_desc'] = '[Page: <b>%d</b>] Here you can see all published <strong>pages</strong> ordered by the date of publication.';
+$LANGUAGE['user_base_heading_desc'] = '[Page: <b>%d</b>] Here you can see all existing <strong>users</strong> ordered by the date of creation.';
+$LANGUAGE['post_main_heading_text'] = '%s';
+$LANGUAGE['post_main_heading_desc'] = 'By: %s (published on: <em>%s</em>)';
+$LANGUAGE['page_main_heading_text'] = '%s';
+$LANGUAGE['page_main_heading_desc'] = 'By: %s (published on: <em>%s</em>)';
+$LANGUAGE['403_heading_text'] = 'Access denied';
+$LANGUAGE['403_heading_desc'] = 'You are denied to access this resource because you do not have the necessary permissions.';
+$LANGUAGE['404_heading_text'] = 'Not found';
+$LANGUAGE['404_heading_desc'] = 'The requested resource could not be found on this server.';
+$LANGUAGE['search_base_heading_text'] = 'Fulltext search';
+$LANGUAGE['search_base_heading_desc'] = 'If you are looking for a specific <strong>post</strong>, then the <a href="" target="_blank">full-text search function</a> of the MySQL database could help you.';
+$LANGUAGE['search_result_heading_text'] = 'Search results for <code>%s</code>';
+$LANGUAGE['search_result_heading_desc'] = 'Congratulations, your search request seems to have been successful!';
+$LANGUAGE['search_form_placeholder'] = 'Enter search term …';
+?> \ No newline at end of file