path: root/admin/post
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/post')
4 files changed, 330 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/post/delete.php b/admin/post/delete.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82e71da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/post/delete.php
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# DEFINE: Administration
+# INCLUDE: Main configuration
+require_once '../../core/application.php';
+# TRY: Post\Exception
+try {
+ $Post = Post\Factory::build(HTTP::GET('id'));
+ $Attribute = $Post->getAttribute();
+ if(HTTP::issetPOST(['token' => Application::getSecurityToken()], 'delete')) {
+ try {
+ if($Attribute->databaseDELETE($Database)) {
+ HTTP::redirect(Application::getAdminURL('post/'));
+ }
+ } catch(PDOException $Exception) {
+ $messages[] = $Exception->getMessage();
+ }
+ }
+ #===============================================================================
+ # TRY: Template\Exception
+ #===============================================================================
+ try {
+ $FormTemplate = Template\Factory::build('post/form');
+ $FormTemplate->set('HTML', $Post->getHTML());
+ $FormTemplate->set('FORM', [
+ 'TYPE' => 'DELETE',
+ 'INFO' => $messages ?? [],
+ 'DATA' => [
+ 'ID' => $Attribute->get('id'),
+ 'BODY' => $Attribute->get('body'),
+ 'TIME_INSERT' => $Attribute->get('time_insert'),
+ 'TIME_UPDATE' => $Attribute->get('time_update'),
+ ],
+ 'TOKEN' => Application::getSecurityToken()
+ ]);
+ $DeleteTemplate = Template\Factory::build('post/delete');
+ $DeleteTemplate->set('HTML', $FormTemplate);
+ $MainTemplate = Template\Factory::build('main');
+ $MainTemplate->set('NAME', $Language->text('title_post_delete'));
+ $MainTemplate->set('HTML', $DeleteTemplate);
+ echo $MainTemplate;
+ }
+ #===============================================================================
+ # CATCH: Template\Exception
+ #===============================================================================
+ catch(Template\Exception $Exception) {
+ $Exception->defaultHandler();
+ }
+# CATCH: Post\Exception
+catch(Post\Exception $Exception) {
+ Application::exit(404);
diff --git a/admin/post/index.php b/admin/post/index.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf7afdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/post/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# DEFINE: Administration
+# INCLUDE: Main configuration
+require_once '../../core/application.php';
+$site_size = Application::get('POST.LIST_SIZE');
+$site_sort = Application::get('POST.LIST_SORT');
+$lastSite = ceil($Database->query(sprintf('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM %s', Post\Attribute::TABLE))->fetchColumn() / $site_size);
+$currentSite = HTTP::GET('site') ?? 1;
+$currentSite = abs(intval($currentSite));
+if($currentSite < 1 OR ($currentSite > $lastSite AND $lastSite > 0)) {
+ Application::exit(404);
+# Fetch post IDs from database
+$execSQL = "SELECT id FROM %s ORDER BY {$site_sort} LIMIT ".(($currentSite-1) * $site_size).", {$site_size}";
+$postIDs = $Database->query(sprintf($execSQL, Post\Attribute::TABLE))->fetchAll($Database::FETCH_COLUMN);
+# TRY: Template\Exception
+try {
+ foreach($postIDs as $postID) {
+ try {
+ $Post = Post\Factory::build($postID);
+ $User = User\Factory::build($Post->attr('user'));
+ $ItemTemplate = generatePostItemTemplate($Post, $User);
+ $posts[] = $ItemTemplate;
+ }
+ catch(Post\Exception $Exception){}
+ catch(User\Exception $Exception){}
+ }
+ $PaginationTemplate = Template\Factory::build('pagination');
+ $PaginationTemplate->set('THIS', $currentSite);
+ $PaginationTemplate->set('LAST', $lastSite);
+ $PaginationTemplate->set('HREF', Application::getAdminURL('post/?site=%d'));
+ $ListTemplate = Template\Factory::build('post/index');
+ $ListTemplate->set('LIST', [
+ 'POSTS' => $posts ?? []
+ ]);
+ $ListTemplate->set('PAGINATION', [
+ 'THIS' => $currentSite,
+ 'LAST' => $lastSite,
+ 'HTML' => $PaginationTemplate
+ ]);
+ $MainTemplate = Template\Factory::build('main');
+ $MainTemplate->set('NAME', $Language->text('title_post_overview', $currentSite));
+ $MainTemplate->set('HTML', $ListTemplate);
+ echo $MainTemplate;
+# CATCH: Template\Exception
+catch(Template\Exception $Exception) {
+ $Exception->defaultHandler();
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/admin/post/insert.php b/admin/post/insert.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab6bb87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/post/insert.php
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# DEFINE: Administration
+# INCLUDE: Main configuration
+require_once '../../core/application.php';
+$Attribute = new Post\Attribute();
+if(HTTP::issetPOST('id', 'user', 'slug', 'name', 'body', 'time_insert', 'time_update', 'insert')) {
+ $Attribute->set('id', HTTP::POST('id') ? HTTP::POST('id') : FALSE);
+ $Attribute->set('user', HTTP::POST('user'));
+ $Attribute->set('slug', HTTP::POST('slug') ? HTTP::POST('slug') : makeSlugURL(HTTP::POST('name')));
+ $Attribute->set('name', HTTP::POST('name') ? HTTP::POST('name') : NULL);
+ $Attribute->set('body', HTTP::POST('body') ? HTTP::POST('body') : NULL);
+ $Attribute->set('time_insert', HTTP::POST('time_insert') ? HTTP::POST('time_insert') : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
+ $Attribute->set('time_update', HTTP::POST('time_update') ? HTTP::POST('time_update') : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
+ if(HTTP::issetPOST(['token' => Application::getSecurityToken()])) {
+ try {
+ if($Attribute->databaseINSERT($Database)) {
+ HTTP::redirect(Application::getAdminURL('post/'));
+ }
+ } catch(PDOException $Exception) {
+ $messages[] = $Exception->getMessage();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $messages[] = $Language->text('error_security_csrf');
+ }
+# TRY: Template\Exception
+try {
+ $userIDs = $Database->query(sprintf('SELECT id FROM %s ORDER BY fullname ASC', User\Attribute::TABLE));
+ foreach($userIDs->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN) as $userID) {
+ $User = User\Factory::build($userID);
+ $userAttributes[] = [
+ 'ID' => $User->attr('id'),
+ 'FULLNAME' => $User->attr('fullname'),
+ 'USERNAME' => $User->attr('username'),
+ ];
+ }
+ $FormTemplate = Template\Factory::build('post/form');
+ $FormTemplate->set('FORM', [
+ 'TYPE' => 'INSERT',
+ 'INFO' => $messages ?? [],
+ 'DATA' => [
+ 'ID' => $Attribute->get('id'),
+ 'USER' => $Attribute->get('user'),
+ 'SLUG' => $Attribute->get('slug'),
+ 'NAME' => $Attribute->get('name'),
+ 'BODY' => $Attribute->get('body'),
+ 'TIME_INSERT' => $Attribute->get('time_insert'),
+ 'TIME_UPDATE' => $Attribute->get('time_update'),
+ ],
+ 'USER_LIST' => $userAttributes ?? [],
+ 'TOKEN' => Application::getSecurityToken()
+ ]);
+ $InsertTemplate = Template\Factory::build('post/insert');
+ $InsertTemplate->set('HTML', $FormTemplate);
+ $MainTemplate = Template\Factory::build('main');
+ $MainTemplate->set('NAME', $Language->text('title_post_insert'));
+ $MainTemplate->set('HTML', $InsertTemplate);
+ echo $MainTemplate;
+# CATCH: Template\Exception
+catch(Template\Exception $Exception) {
+ $Exception->defaultHandler();
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/admin/post/update.php b/admin/post/update.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..875d947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/post/update.php
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# DEFINE: Administration
+# INCLUDE: Main configuration
+require_once '../../core/application.php';
+# TRY: Post\Exception
+try {
+ $Post = Post\Factory::build(HTTP::GET('id'));
+ $Attribute = $Post->getAttribute();
+ if(HTTP::issetPOST('user', 'slug', 'name', 'body', 'time_insert', 'time_update', 'update')) {
+ $Attribute->set('user', HTTP::POST('user'));
+ $Attribute->set('slug', HTTP::POST('slug') ? HTTP::POST('slug') : makeSlugURL(HTTP::POST('name')));
+ $Attribute->set('name', HTTP::POST('name') ? HTTP::POST('name') : NULL);
+ $Attribute->set('body', HTTP::POST('body') ? HTTP::POST('body') : FALSE);
+ $Attribute->set('time_insert', HTTP::POST('time_insert') ? HTTP::POST('time_insert') : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
+ $Attribute->set('time_update', HTTP::POST('time_update') ? HTTP::POST('time_update') : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
+ if(HTTP::issetPOST(['token' => Application::getSecurityToken()])) {
+ try {
+ $Attribute->databaseUPDATE($Database);
+ } catch(PDOException $Exception) {
+ $messages[] = $Exception->getMessage();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $messages[] = $Language->text('error_security_csrf');
+ }
+ }
+ #===============================================================================
+ # TRY: Template\Exception
+ #===============================================================================
+ try {
+ $userIDs = $Database->query(sprintf('SELECT id FROM %s ORDER BY fullname ASC', User\Attribute::TABLE));
+ foreach($userIDs->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN) as $userID) {
+ $User = User\Factory::build($userID);
+ $userAttributes[] = [
+ 'ID' => $User->attr('id'),
+ 'FULLNAME' => $User->attr('fullname'),
+ 'USERNAME' => $User->attr('username'),
+ ];
+ }
+ $FormTemplate = Template\Factory::build('post/form');
+ $FormTemplate->set('FORM', [
+ 'TYPE' => 'UPDATE',
+ 'INFO' => $messages ?? [],
+ 'DATA' => [
+ 'ID' => $Attribute->get('id'),
+ 'USER' => $Attribute->get('user'),
+ 'SLUG' => $Attribute->get('slug'),
+ 'NAME' => $Attribute->get('name'),
+ 'BODY' => $Attribute->get('body'),
+ 'TIME_INSERT' => $Attribute->get('time_insert'),
+ 'TIME_UPDATE' => $Attribute->get('time_update'),
+ ],
+ 'USER_LIST' => $userAttributes ?? [],
+ 'TOKEN' => Application::getSecurityToken()
+ ]);
+ $PostUpdateTemplate = Template\Factory::build('post/update');
+ $PostUpdateTemplate->set('HTML', $FormTemplate);
+ $MainTemplate = Template\Factory::build('main');
+ $MainTemplate->set('NAME', $Language->text('title_post_update'));
+ $MainTemplate->set('HTML', $PostUpdateTemplate);
+ echo $MainTemplate;
+ }
+ #===============================================================================
+ # CATCH: Template\Exception
+ #===============================================================================
+ catch(Template\Exception $Exception) {
+ $Exception->defaultHandler();
+ }
+# CATCH: Post\Exception
+catch(Post\Exception $Exception) {
+ Application::exit(404);
+?> \ No newline at end of file