# DEFINE: Administration
const ADMINISTRATION = true;
const AUTHENTICATION = true;

# INCLUDE: Initialization
require '../../core/application.php';

# Get repositories
$CategoryRepository = Application::getRepository('Category');

# Pagination
$site_size = Application::get('ADMIN.CATEGORY.LIST_SIZE');

$count = $CategoryRepository->getCount();
$lastSite = ceil($count / $site_size);

$currentSite = HTTP::GET('site') ?? 1;
$currentSite = intval($currentSite);

# Redirect to category create form if no category exists
if($count === 0) {

if($currentSite < 1 or ($currentSite > $lastSite and $lastSite > 0)) {

# Get paginated category list
$categories = $CategoryRepository->getPaginatedTree(
	$site_size, ($currentSite-1) * $site_size);

foreach($categories as $Category) {
	$templates[] = generateCategoryItemTemplate($Category, true);

# Build document
$ListTemplate = Template\Factory::build('category/index');
$ListTemplate->set('LIST', [
	'CATEGORIES' => $templates ?? []

$ListTemplate->set('PAGINATION', [
	'THIS' => $currentSite,
	'LAST' => $lastSite,
	'HTML' => createPaginationTemplate(
		$currentSite, $lastSite, Application::getAdminURL('category/')

$MainTemplate = Template\Factory::build('main');
$MainTemplate->set('NAME', $Language->text('title_category_overview', $currentSite));
$MainTemplate->set('HTML', $ListTemplate);
echo $MainTemplate;