abstract class Item implements ItemInterface {
	protected $Database   = NULL;
	protected $Attribute  = NULL;
	protected $Reflection = NULL;

	abstract public function getURL();
	abstract public function getGUID();

	# Abstract item constructor
	public final function __construct($itemID, \Database $Database) {
		$this->Database = $Database;

		$this->Reflection = new ReflectionObject($this);

		$attribute = "{$this->Reflection->getNamespaceName()}\\Attribute";
		$exception = "{$this->Reflection->getNamespaceName()}\\Exception";

		# Checking if item in database exists
		$Statement = $Database->prepare(sprintf('SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id = ?', $attribute::TABLE));

		# Checking if retrieving data failed
		if(!$this->Attribute = $Statement->fetchObject($attribute)) {
			throw new $exception(sprintf('%s\\Item with ID %s does not exist', $this->Reflection->getNamespaceName(), (int) $itemID));

	# Return attribute by name (short hand wrapper)
	public function attr($attribute) {
		return $this->Attribute->get($attribute);

	# Return Attribute object
	public final function getAttribute(): Attribute {
		return $this->Attribute;

	# Return unique ID
	public final function getID(): int {
		return $this->Attribute->get('id');

	# Return pre-parsed content
	public function getBody(): string {
		$content = preg_replace_callback('#\{(POST|PAGE|USER)\[([0-9]+)\]\}#', function($matches) {
			$namespace = ucfirst(strtolower($matches[1])).'\\Factory';

			try {
				$Item = $namespace::build($matches[2]);
				return $Item->getURL();
			} catch(Exception $Exception) {
				return '{undefined}';
		}, $this->Attribute->get('body'));

		$content = preg_replace('#\{BASE\[\"([^"]+)\"\]\}#', \Application::getURL('$1'), $content);
		$content = preg_replace('#\{FILE\[\"([^"]+)\"\]\}#', \Application::getFileURL('$1'), $content);

		return $content;

	# Return parsed content
	public function getHTML(): string {
		$item = "{$this->Reflection->getNamespaceName()}\\Item";

		$Parsedown = new Parsedown();
		$content = $this->getBody();

		if(\Application::get($item::CONFIGURATION.'.EMOTICONS') === TRUE) {
			$content = parseEmoticons($content);

		return $Parsedown->text($content);

	# Return attached files
	public function getFiles(): array {
		if(preg_match_all('#\!\[(.*)\][ ]?(?:\n[ ]*)?\((.*)(\s[\'"](.*)[\'"])?\)#U', $this->getBody(), $matches)) {
			return array_map('htmlentities', $matches[2]);

		return [];

	# Return previous item ID
	public function getPrevID(): int {
		$execute = 'SELECT id FROM %s WHERE DATE(time_insert) <= DATE(?) AND id < ? ORDER BY time_insert DESC, id DESC LIMIT 1';

		$attribute = "{$this->Reflection->getNamespaceName()}\\Attribute";
		$Statement = $this->Database->prepare(sprintf($execute, $attribute::TABLE));

		if($Statement->execute([$this->Attribute->get('time_insert'), $this->Attribute->get('id')])) {
			return $Statement->fetchColumn();

		return 0;

	# Return next item ID
	public function getNextID(): int {
		$execute = 'SELECT id FROM %s WHERE DATE(time_insert) >= DATE(?) AND id > ? ORDER BY time_insert ASC, id DESC LIMIT 1';

		$attribute = "{$this->Reflection->getNamespaceName()}\\Attribute";
		$Statement = $this->Database->prepare(sprintf($execute, $attribute::TABLE));

		if($Statement->execute([$this->Attribute->get('time_insert'), $this->Attribute->get('id')])) {
			return $Statement->fetchColumn();

		return 0;

	# Return unique ID based on specific field comparison with value
	public static function getIDByField($field, $value, \Database $Database): int {
		$attribute = (new ReflectionClass(get_called_class()))->getNamespaceName().'\\Attribute';
		$Statement = $Database->prepare('SELECT id FROM '.$attribute::TABLE." WHERE {$field} = ?");

		if($Statement->execute([$value])) {
			return $Statement->fetchColumn();

		return 0;