Database->prepare($query); $Statement->execute([$Category->getID()]); return $Statement->fetchColumn(); } #=============================================================================== # Find category with parents based on primary key #=============================================================================== public function findWithParents($id): array { return $this->findWithParentsBy('id', $id); } #=============================================================================== # Find category with parents based on specific field comparison #=============================================================================== public function findWithParentsBy(string $field, $value): array { $query = 'WITH RECURSIVE tree AS ( SELECT *, 0 AS _depth FROM %s WHERE %s %s UNION SELECT c.*, _depth+1 FROM %s c, tree WHERE tree.parent = ) SELECT * FROM tree ORDER BY _depth DESC'; $table = static::getTableName(); $check = is_null($value) ? 'IS NULL': '= ?'; $query = sprintf($query, $table, $field, $check, $table); $Statement = $this->Database->prepare($query); $Statement->execute( # If $value is NULL, pass NULL instead of an array with one NULL # element. PHP >= 8 will throw a PDOException when the number of # bound variables doesn't matches the number of tokens ("?") in # the SQL query, which is the case here if $value is NULL. is_null($value) ? NULL : [$value] ); # TODO: Virtual column _depth shall not be fetched into the entity class return $this->fetchEntities($Statement); } #=============================================================================== # Get paginated category tree list #=============================================================================== public function getPaginatedTree(int $limit, int $offset = 0): array { $query = 'WITH RECURSIVE tree AS ( SELECT *, name AS _depth FROM %s WHERE parent IS NULL UNION SELECT c.*, CONCAT(_depth, "/", AS _depth FROM %s c INNER JOIN tree ON = c.parent ) SELECT * FROM tree ORDER BY _depth %s'; $_limit = "LIMIT $limit"; if($offset) { $_limit = "LIMIT $offset,$limit"; } $table = static::getTableName(); $query = sprintf($query, $table, $table, $_limit); $Statement = $this->Database->prepare($query); $Statement->execute(); return $this->fetchEntities($Statement); } #=============================================================================== # Get number of children categories assigned to $Category #=============================================================================== public function getNumberOfChildren(Category $Category): int { $query = 'WITH RECURSIVE tree AS ( SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id = ? UNION SELECT c.* FROM %s c, tree WHERE = c.parent ) SELECT COUNT(id) FROM tree WHERE id != ?'; $query = sprintf($query, static::getTableName(), static::getTableName() ); $Statement = $this->Database->prepare($query); $Statement->execute([$Category->getID(), $Category->getID()]); return $Statement->fetchColumn(); } #=============================================================================== # Update category (and check for parent/child circular loops) #=============================================================================== public function update(EntityInterface $Entity): bool { # Skip circular loop check if parent is unchanged if(!in_array('parent', $Entity->getModifiedKeys())) { return parent::update($Entity); } $query = 'SELECT parent FROM %s WHERE id = ?'; $query = sprintf($query, static::getTableName()); $Statement = $this->Database->prepare($query); $Statement->execute([$Entity->getID()]); $_parent = $Entity->get('parent'); # Fetch the parent of the *new* parent category and let the while loop run through # the tree until either a parent of "NULL" was found or if the new parent category # is a *child* of the *current* category which would cause a circular loop. while($Statement->execute([$_parent]) && $_parent = $Statement->fetchColumn()) { if($_parent == $Entity->getID()) { # Set parent of the *new* parent category to the *original* parent category # of the *current* category (one level up) to prevent a circular loop. $query = 'UPDATE %s SET parent = (SELECT parent FROM %s WHERE id = ?) WHERE id = ?'; $query = sprintf($query, static::getTableName(), static::getTableName()); $UpdateStatement = $this->Database->prepare($query); $UpdateStatement->execute([$_parent, $Entity->get('parent')]); break; } else if($_parent === NULL) { break; } } return parent::update($Entity); } }