Attribute->get($attribute); } return sha1(implode(NULL, $attributes)); } #=============================================================================== # Return unique post IDs for search results #=============================================================================== public static function getSearchResultIDs($search, array $date, \Database $Database): array { $D = ($D = intval($date[0])) !== 0 ? $D : 'NULL'; $M = ($M = intval($date[1])) !== 0 ? $M : 'NULL'; $Y = ($Y = intval($date[2])) !== 0 ? $Y : 'NULL'; $Statement = $Database->prepare(sprintf("SELECT id FROM %s WHERE ({$Y} IS NULL OR YEAR(time_insert) = {$Y}) AND ({$M} IS NULL OR MONTH(time_insert) = {$M}) AND ({$D} IS NULL OR DAY(time_insert) = {$D}) AND MATCH(name, body) AGAINST(? IN BOOLEAN MODE) LIMIT 20", Attribute::TABLE)); if($Statement->execute([$search])) { return $Statement->fetchAll($Database::FETCH_COLUMN); } return []; } }