] # #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%# # # # This file contains template internationalization strings for the EN language # # and is completely independend from the core internationalization strings. # # # #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%# $LANGUAGE['date_format'] = '[Y]-[M]-[D] [H]:[I]'; $LANGUAGE['feed_only_posts'] = 'only posts'; $LANGUAGE['feed_only_pages'] = 'only pages'; $LANGUAGE['navigation_home_text'] = 'Home'; $LANGUAGE['navigation_home_desc'] = '%s'; $LANGUAGE['navigation_search_text'] = 'Search'; $LANGUAGE['navigation_search_desc'] = 'Fulltext search'; $LANGUAGE['home_heading_text'] = 'Welcome to %s'; $LANGUAGE['home_heading_desc'] = 'Here you can see the last 10 published posts. Have fun!'; $LANGUAGE['user_heading_text'] = '%s [%s]'; $LANGUAGE['user_heading_desc'] = '%s has published a total count of %d posts and %d pages.'; $LANGUAGE['post_base_heading_desc'] = '[Page: %d] Here you can see all published posts ordered by the date of publication.'; $LANGUAGE['page_base_heading_desc'] = '[Page: %d] Here you can see all published pages ordered by the date of publication.'; $LANGUAGE['user_base_heading_desc'] = '[Page: %d] Here you can see all existing users ordered by the date of creation.'; $LANGUAGE['post_main_heading_text'] = '%s'; $LANGUAGE['post_main_heading_desc'] = 'By: %s (published on: %s)'; $LANGUAGE['page_main_heading_text'] = '%s'; $LANGUAGE['page_main_heading_desc'] = 'By: %s (published on: %s)'; $LANGUAGE['403_heading_text'] = 'Access denied'; $LANGUAGE['403_heading_desc'] = 'You are denied to access this resource because you do not have the necessary permissions.'; $LANGUAGE['404_heading_text'] = 'Not found'; $LANGUAGE['404_heading_desc'] = 'The requested resource could not be found on this server.'; $LANGUAGE['search_base_heading_text'] = 'Fulltext search'; $LANGUAGE['search_base_heading_desc'] = 'If you are looking for a specific post, then the full-text search function of the MySQL database could help you.'; $LANGUAGE['search_result_heading_text'] = 'Search results for %s'; $LANGUAGE['search_result_heading_desc'] = 'Congratulations, your search request seems to have been successful!'; $LANGUAGE['search_form_placeholder'] = 'Enter search term …'; ?>