diff options
authorThomas Lange <code@nerdmind.de>2024-02-05 20:08:08 +0100
committerThomas Lange <code@nerdmind.de>2024-02-05 20:08:08 +0100
commit00bf20ed68fb8b833967c207bb3689dc96098073 (patch)
parent8b1314e416ada633ae6c866c9fac7124e6d3a3e4 (diff)
Add content tag converter script
This script is used to convert the old *content tag* syntax to the newer *content functions* syntax which has been introduced in July 2021. See the wiki page for *content tags* for more details.
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/script/convert_content_tags.php b/core/script/convert_content_tags.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b879a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/script/convert_content_tags.php
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+use ORM\EntityInterface;
+require '../application.php';
+# Convert old *content tags* to new *content functions* syntax
+function convertContentTags(string $text, &$globalMatches): string {
+ $url_tags_pattern = '/\{(?<tag>BASE|FILE)\[\"(?<arg>[^"]+)\"\]\}/';
+ $entity_tags_pattern_partial = '\{(?<tag>POST|PAGE|USER)\[(?<arg>[0-9]+)\]\}';
+ $entity_tags_mdlinks_pattern = '/
+ \[(?<text>[^\]]+)\]
+ \(
+ \s*'.$entity_tags_pattern_partial.'\s*
+ (?:\s
+ (?<qmark>["\'])
+ (?<title>(?:(?:(?!\k<qmark>)).)*)
+ \k<qmark>\s*
+ )?
+ \)
+ /x';
+ // Convert (BASE|FILE) tags
+ $text = preg_replace_callback($url_tags_pattern,
+ function($matches) use(&$globalMatches) {
+ $formatted = sprintf('{%s_URL: "%s"}',
+ $matches['tag'], $matches['arg']);
+ $globalMatches[] = [
+ $matches[0], $formatted];
+ return $formatted;
+ }, $text);
+ // Convert (POST|PAGE|USER) tags found inside Markdown syntax
+ $text = preg_replace_callback($entity_tags_mdlinks_pattern,
+ function($matches) use(&$globalMatches) {
+ $format = '{%s: %d, "%s"}';
+ $params = [
+ $matches['tag'],
+ $matches['arg'],
+ str_replace('"', '\\"', $matches['text'])
+ ];
+ if($linkTitle = $matches['title'] ?? FALSE) {
+ $q = $matches['qmark'];
+ $format = '{%s: %d, "%s", '.$q.'%s'.$q.'}';
+ $params[] = $linkTitle;
+ }
+ $formatted = sprintf($format, ...$params);
+ $globalMatches[] = [
+ $matches[0], $formatted];
+ return $formatted;
+ }, $text);
+ // Convert (POST|PAGE|USER) tags found anywhere else
+ $text = preg_replace_callback(sprintf('/%s/x', $entity_tags_pattern_partial),
+ function($matches) use(&$globalMatches) {
+ $formatted = sprintf('{%s_URL: %s}',
+ $matches['tag'], $matches['arg']);
+ $globalMatches[] = [
+ $matches[0], $formatted];
+ return $formatted;
+ }, $text);
+ return $text;
+# Print matches for a specific entity
+function printMatches(EntityInterface $Entity, array &$matches): void {
+ printf("%s\n", str_repeat('-', 100));
+ printf("%s (#%d):\n", get_class($Entity), $Entity->getID());
+ printf("»%s«\n", $Entity->get('name') ?? $Entity->get('fullname'));
+ printf("%s\n", str_repeat('-', 100));
+ foreach($matches as $match) {
+ printf("<-- %s\n", $match[0]);
+ printf("--> %s\n\n", $match[1]);
+ }
+# Send Cache-Control header and change Content-Type to plain text
+HTTP::responseHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache');
+# Set "commit" variable based on GET parameter or CLI argument
+$commit = FALSE;
+if(isset($_GET['commit']) OR
+ (isset($argv[1]) AND $argv[1] === 'commit')) {
+ $commit = TRUE;
+# Print header information
+if(!$commit) {
+ printf("%s\n", str_repeat('%', 100));
+ print("!!! DRY-RUN !!!\n");
+ print("To commit the changes, pass the CLI argument 'commit'!\n");
+ printf("%s\n\n", str_repeat('%', 100));
+foreach(['Category', 'Page', 'Post', 'User'] as $entityName) {
+ $Repository = Application::getRepository($entityName);
+ foreach($Repository->getAll() as $Entity) {
+ unset($matches);
+ $content = $Entity->get('body');
+ $content = convertContentTags($content, $matches);
+ if($matches) {
+ $foundMatches = TRUE;
+ if($commit) {
+ $Entity->set('body', $content);
+ $Repository->update($Entity);
+ } else {
+ printMatches($Entity, $matches);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+if(!isset($foundMatches)) {
+ print("Found no matches for old content tags in your entities' content. Nothing to do!");
+} else {
+ $commit && print("Replace operation complete!");