path: root/core/functions.php
diff options
authorThomas Lange <code@nerdmind.de>2017-02-24 21:27:59 +0100
committerThomas Lange <code@nerdmind.de>2017-02-24 21:27:59 +0100
commit52b077a48c743ba4d08ac00520a0bf1ef6deef5f (patch)
treeb4205c194167e0e03e273957cdd0aab3be9fdf01 /core/functions.php
Initial commit.v1.0
Diffstat (limited to 'core/functions.php')
1 files changed, 322 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/functions.php b/core/functions.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..726e96f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/functions.php
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+# Helper function to reduce duplicate code
+function generatePageNaviTemplate($currentSite): Template\Template {
+ $Database = Application::getDatabase();
+ $Statement = $Database->query(sprintf('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM %s', Page\Attribute::TABLE));
+ $lastSite = ceil($Statement->fetchColumn() / Application::get('PAGE.LIST_SIZE'));
+ $PaginationTemplate = Template\Factory::build('pagination');
+ $PaginationTemplate->set('THIS', $currentSite);
+ $PaginationTemplate->set('LAST', $lastSite);
+ $PaginationTemplate->set('HREF', Application::getPageURL('?site=%d'));
+ return $PaginationTemplate;
+# Helper function to reduce duplicate code
+function generatePostNaviTemplate($currentSite): Template\Template {
+ $Database = Application::getDatabase();
+ $Statement = $Database->query(sprintf('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM %s', Post\Attribute::TABLE));
+ $lastSite = ceil($Statement->fetchColumn() / Application::get('POST.LIST_SIZE'));
+ $PaginationTemplate = Template\Factory::build('pagination');
+ $PaginationTemplate->set('THIS', $currentSite);
+ $PaginationTemplate->set('LAST', $lastSite);
+ $PaginationTemplate->set('HREF', Application::getPostURL('?site=%d'));
+ return $PaginationTemplate;
+# Helper function to reduce duplicate code
+function generateUserNaviTemplate($currentSite): Template\Template {
+ $Database = Application::getDatabase();
+ $Statement = $Database->query(sprintf('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM %s', User\Attribute::TABLE));
+ $lastSite = ceil($Statement->fetchColumn() / Application::get('USER.LIST_SIZE'));
+ $PaginationTemplate = Template\Factory::build('pagination');
+ $PaginationTemplate->set('THIS', $currentSite);
+ $PaginationTemplate->set('LAST', $lastSite);
+ $PaginationTemplate->set('HREF', Application::getUserURL('?site=%d'));
+ return $PaginationTemplate;
+# Helper function to reduce duplicate code
+function generatePageItemTemplate(Page\Item $Page, User\Item $User): Template\Template {
+ $Template = Template\Factory::build('page/item');
+ $Template->set('PAGE', generatePageItemData($Page));
+ $Template->set('USER', generateUserItemData($User));
+ return $Template;
+# Helper function to reduce duplicate code
+function generatePostItemTemplate(Post\Item $Post, User\Item $User): Template\Template {
+ $Template = Template\Factory::build('post/item');
+ $Template->set('POST', generatePostItemData($Post));
+ $Template->set('USER', generateUserItemData($User));
+ return $Template;
+# Helper function to reduce duplicate code
+function generateUserItemTemplate(User\Item $User): Template\Template {
+ $Template = Template\Factory::build('user/item');
+ $Template->set('USER', generateUserItemData($User));
+ return $Template;
+# Helper function to reduce duplicate code
+function generateItemData(Item $Item): array {
+ return [
+ 'ID' => $Item->getID(),
+ 'URL' => $Item->getURL(),
+ 'GUID' => $Item->getGUID(),
+ 'PREV' => FALSE,
+ 'NEXT' => FALSE,
+ 'FILE' => [
+ 'LIST' => $Item->getFiles()
+ ],
+ 'BODY' => [
+ 'TEXT' => $Item->getBody(),
+ 'HTML' => $Item->getHTML()
+ ],
+ 'ATTR' => [
+ 'USER' => $Item->attr('user'),
+ 'SLUG' => $Item->attr('slug'),
+ 'NAME' => $Item->attr('name'),
+ 'BODY' => $Item->attr('body'),
+ 'TIME_INSERT' => $Item->attr('time_insert'),
+ 'TIME_UPDATE' => $Item->attr('time_update')
+ ]
+ ];
+# Helper function to reduce duplicate code
+function generatePageItemData(Page\Item $Page): array {
+ return generateItemData($Page);
+# Helper function to reduce duplicate code
+function generatePostItemData(Post\Item $Post): array {
+ return generateItemData($Post);
+# Helper function to reduce duplicate code
+function generateUserItemData(User\Item $User): array {
+ return [
+ 'ID' => $User->getID(),
+ 'URL' => $User->getURL(),
+ 'GUID' => $User->getGUID(),
+ 'PREV' => FALSE,
+ 'NEXT' => FALSE,
+ 'FILE' => [
+ 'LIST' => $User->getFiles()
+ ],
+ 'BODY' => [
+ 'TEXT' => $User->getBody(),
+ 'HTML' => $User->getHTML()
+ ],
+ 'ATTR' => [
+ 'SLUG' => $User->attr('slug'),
+ 'BODY' => $User->attr('body'),
+ 'USERNAME' => $User->attr('username'),
+ 'FULLNAME' => $User->attr('fullname'),
+ 'MAILADDR' => $User->attr('mailaddr'),
+ 'TIME_INSERT' => $User->attr('time_insert'),
+ 'TIME_UPDATE' => $User->attr('time_update')
+ ]
+ ];
+# Parser for datetime formatted strings [YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS]
+function parseDatetime($datetime, $format): string {
+ $Language = Application::getLanguage();
+ list($date, $time) = explode(' ', $datetime);
+ list($DATE['Y'], $DATE['M'], $DATE['D']) = explode('-', $date);
+ list($TIME['H'], $TIME['M'], $TIME['S']) = explode(':', $time);
+ $M_LIST = [
+ '01' => $Language->text('month_01'),
+ '02' => $Language->text('month_02'),
+ '03' => $Language->text('month_03'),
+ '04' => $Language->text('month_04'),
+ '05' => $Language->text('month_05'),
+ '06' => $Language->text('month_06'),
+ '07' => $Language->text('month_07'),
+ '08' => $Language->text('month_08'),
+ '09' => $Language->text('month_09'),
+ '10' => $Language->text('month_10'),
+ '11' => $Language->text('month_11'),
+ '12' => $Language->text('month_12'),
+ ];
+ $D_LIST = [
+ 0 => $Language->text('day_6'),
+ 1 => $Language->text('day_0'),
+ 2 => $Language->text('day_1'),
+ 3 => $Language->text('day_2'),
+ 4 => $Language->text('day_3'),
+ 5 => $Language->text('day_4'),
+ 6 => $Language->text('day_5'),
+ ];
+ return strtr($format, [
+ '[Y]' => $DATE['Y'],
+ '[M]' => $DATE['M'],
+ '[D]' => $DATE['D'],
+ '[H]' => $TIME['H'],
+ '[I]' => $TIME['M'],
+ '[S]' => $TIME['S'],
+ '[W]' => $D_LIST[date('w', strtotime($datetime))],
+ '[F]' => $M_LIST[date('m', strtotime($datetime))],
+ '[DATE]' => $date,
+ '[TIME]' => $time,
+ '[RFC2822]' => date('r', strtotime($datetime))
+ ]);
+# Get emoticons with unicode characters and description
+function getEmoticons(): array {
+ $Language = Application::getLanguage();
+ return [
+ ':)' => ['&#x1F60A;', $Language->text('emoticon_1F60A')],
+ ':(' => ['&#x1F61E;', $Language->text('emoticon_1F61E')],
+ ':D' => ['&#x1F603;', $Language->text('emoticon_1F603')],
+ ':P' => ['&#x1F61B;', $Language->text('emoticon_1F61B')],
+ ':O' => ['&#x1F632;', $Language->text('emoticon_1F632')],
+ ';)' => ['&#x1F609;', $Language->text('emoticon_1F609')],
+ ';(' => ['&#x1F622;', $Language->text('emoticon_1F622')],
+ ':|' => ['&#x1F610;', $Language->text('emoticon_1F610')],
+ ':X' => ['&#x1F635;', $Language->text('emoticon_1F635')],
+ ':/' => ['&#x1F612;', $Language->text('emoticon_1F612')],
+ '8)' => ['&#x1F60E;', $Language->text('emoticon_1F60E')],
+ ':S' => ['&#x1F61F;', $Language->text('emoticon_1F61F')],
+ 'xD' => ['&#x1F602;', $Language->text('emoticon_1F602')],
+ '^^' => ['&#x1F604;', $Language->text('emoticon_1F604')],
+ ];
+# Parse emoticons to HTML encoded unicode characters
+function parseEmoticons($string): string {
+ foreach(getEmoticons() as $emoticon => $data) {
+ $pattern = '#(^|\s)'.preg_quote($emoticon).'#';
+ $replace = " <span title=\"{$data[1]}\">{$data[0]}</span>";
+ $string = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $string);
+ }
+ return $string;
+# Wrapper function for htmlspecialchars()
+function escapeHTML($string): string {
+ return htmlspecialchars($string);
+# Wrapper function for strip_tags()
+function removeHTML($string): string {
+ return strip_tags($string);
+# Remove all double line breaks from string
+function removeDoubleLineBreaks($string): string {
+ return preg_replace('#(\r?\n){2,}#', "\n\n", $string);
+# Remove line breaks and tabs from a string
+function removeLineBreaksAndTabs($string, $replace = ''): string {
+ return str_replace(["\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t"], $replace, $string);
+# Return pseudo-random (hex converted) string
+function getRandomValue($length = 40): string {
+ return strtoupper(bin2hex(random_bytes(ceil($length / 2))));
+# Return cutted string
+function cut($string, $length, $replace = ' […]') {
+ if(mb_strlen($string) > $length) {
+ return preg_replace("/^(.{1,{$length}}\\b).*/su", "\\1{$replace}", $string);
+ }
+ return $string;
+# Return excerpt content
+function excerpt($string, $length = 500, $replace = ' […]') {
+ $string = removeHTML($string);
+ $string = removeDoubleLineBreaks($string);
+ $string = cut($string, $length, $replace);
+ $string = nl2br($string);
+ return $string;
+# Generate a valid slug URL part from a string
+function makeSlugURL($string) {
+ $string = strtolower($string);
+ $string = str_replace(['ä', 'ö', 'ü', 'ß'], ['ae', 'oe', 'ue', 'ss'], $string);
+ $string = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]/', '-', $string);
+ $string = preg_replace('/-+/', '-', $string);
+ return trim($string, '-');